Go share some local love…


At Outlook, we believe that the church makes the greatest impact when it is reaching out to others in need, especially in our local community.  We do that by supporting local ministry partners who are effectively addressing the physical, spiritual, and educational needs of people in McCordsville, Hancock County, and throughout greater Indianapolis. 

We also do that by sending Outlookers into the community to serve the poor and the oppressed and to bring the good news of Jesus to those who do not yet know Him.

Our Local Ministry Partners

  • Angel Connection

    Angel Connection is a nonprofit, faith-based mission and food pantry serving all residents of Hancock County. The mission of Angel Connection is to better lives and offer physical and spiritual support. Angel connection accepts food donations on a regular basis and is always looking for volunteers to help at the food pantry.

  • Family Hope

    Family Hope is a collaboration of area churches providing supportive relationships for isolated families. Their mission is to bring hope to families through caring, connective relationships formed in the redemptive love of Jesus by providing a church-led, preventative, double-voluntary model of care.

  • Hancock Hope House

    Hancock Hope House is a nonprofit homeless shelter. Located in Greenfield, the Hope House serves the needs of the homeless in Hancock, Shelby, and Rush Counties, with most clients from Hancock County. Hancock Hope House provides individuals and families with temporary shelter, job procurement training, and other resources to help the homeless reestablish themselves in the community. Hancock Hope House accepts donations of clothing and furniture for its thrift goods store and is always looking for volunteers to assist in the thrift store and in other areas. 

  • Lambswear

    Lambswear, Inc. is a nonprofit dedicated to providing gently used clothing to children in need throughout central Indiana. Lambswear was formed and is operated by members of the Outlook family. Lambswear accepts donations of gently used clothing and is always looking for volunteers for clothes collection, sorting, distribution, and fundraising. Cash donations are also accepted.

  • Local Schools

    Outlook supports schools from Mount Vernon School District, Lawrence Township Schools, and Indianapolis Public Schools through a variety of projects. Those projects include a school supply drive each summer and Thanksgiving Grocery Bags distributed to families in need directly by the schools. We also assist with specific projects as requested by the schools on an as-needed basis.

  • Love INC

    Love In the Name of Christ". The mission of Love INC is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ. Love INC bridges resources by working with local churches, agencies, and other community resources. Love INC, through church volunteers, serves anyone with a manageable need in their service area by serving the churches who serve those in need.

  • Renewal Neighborhood Ministry

    Renewal Neighborhood Ministry serves families living in the neighborhoods near Post Road and 42nd Street.

    Founded by Outlook and now run by our church plant in the area, Renewal's mission is to transform our neighborhoods by strengthening families through the love of Jesus Christ.

    Renewal offers a broad and ever-increasing variety of programs aimed at transforming these neighborhoods by building relationships, encouraging children's education, and giving kids a safe, supportive environment to grow. These programs include one-on-one tutoring, summer programs, youth sports leagues, and an annual Christmas Store.