36 month campaign: 3/1/24-2/28/27
Pledges: 138
Total Pledged: $635,010
Total Given: $243,139
Pledged amount given: 38.3%
Percent into 3-year initiative: 35%
Total Donors: 150
As of 3.19.25. Updated weekly.
More than 150 years ago, a group of believers started a church — this church. These founders had future generations in mind, including us. They laid the groundwork for the body of Christ to grow, for seekers to find a home, for those in need to receive compassion, and for disciples to mature and become more like Jesus. This cost them something. Every chapter of our church’s history has included sacrificial generosity. We have gratefully received this legacy, and it is ours to generously continue for whomever God brings next. We are still that church.
Recent years have brought challenges and opportunities we could have never imagined. Outlook has remained faithful in our mission through it all — developing disciples of Jesus who are connecting, growing, serving, and going. To remain financially flexible and responsible, able to respond to the needs and opportunities that arise in our congregation and our community, the wisest path forward is to diligently focus on paying down our mortgage.
Such a focus is the best stewardship of our church’s finances, helping ensure we have ample resources for ministry and mission in the years ahead. We want to be ready for the future God has for us, whatever that may be.
From Outlook’s origin and every decade since, each generation has accepted the mission of caring for the church with open-handed generosity. They believed God and they believed in us. We get to meet their faith now and carry it forward. This is our legacy. It is a gift.
Those who invest in Legacy are choosing to claim Outlook’s story as their own. We are grateful for the sacrificial giving and planning of those who came before, even from the very beginning, to ensure there would be more room and more resources for the newcomer and for future generations. We, then, are also invited to take up this Kingdom-minded charge to be wise stewards of the finances that make mission and ministry possible here. If you see yourself as among family at Outlook, growing in relationship and discipleship to Jesus, and if you align with the purpose of our church and of this campaign, then let’s take the baton passed to us and join in generously continuing our Legacy.
This giving initiative will fulfill its purpose when every Outlooker prays about how they can make an over-and-above financial commitment toward reducing our mortgage and acts on what they discern to be the answer of those prayers. Ultimately, we have one goal: 100 percent participation. When that happens, whatever the financial total, we are confident God will provide through the obedience of His prayerful people.
Together, as a congregation, we made our pledges to this initiative on Sunday, February 25, 2024, and our 36 months of giving began March 1, 2024. While our initial commitments to launch Legacy wrap up in February 2027, new pledges to the ongoing Legacy Fund are welcomed and encouraged at any point as we continue to pay down our mortgage.
Dearest Outlook Family,
These are exciting times to be a part of our church. As I look back over my 20-plus years here, I’m amazed at all God has done through our congregation and give Him glory! And as we look even further back into our church’s history, we see we’ve inherited an enduring legacy of vision and generosity.
Our campus and its care and steady expansion have been the result of enormous amounts of hard work, diligence, and significant sacrifice on the part of so many of you. That labor and those sacrifices have certainly proven fruitful! Many of us are here today because of what those before us made possible. Today, it’s our turn to tell our church’s story of sacrificial generosity as we focus on moving our mortgage toward zero!
Sure, it’s about raising funds, but it’s far more about continuing to expand our faith in what God wants to do with our resources, our church, and each of our lives. We have good things God has given us to do. We are determined to be ready to do them all and do them well. I ask you to join Tamara and me as we prayerfully consider our level of sacrifice for this worthy aim. I love this church and am delighted to serve with each of you.
— Rob McCord, Senior Minister