Student Events

Senior Retreat
to Apr 27

Senior Retreat

Don't miss this incredible weekend! As seniors move onto college, careers, and other opportunities, it's important to end well. During this weekend, we'll be spending time celebrating, equipping, and encouraging you as you make that next step. We'll have time spent in small groups, sessions led by leaders, and time to spend in fellowship with one another.

When: April 25-27

Where: Gregg Township, IN

Who: Current Seniors 

Cost: $100

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Fields of Faith

Fields of Faith

On Sunday, May 4, we'll be participating in FCA's Fields of Faith at Mt. Vernon High School.

Join us for an incredible night of faith, fellowship, and fun! This FREE event is open to all — bring your friends, family, and teammates for an unforgettable evening featuring:

Keynote Speaker: Willie Spears
Live Concert & Worship with Attaboy
Free Food, Games, Music & More!

This is a night you won’t want to miss — come ready to be inspired and encouraged in your faith. This event will take the place of youth group for the 4th, and we will meet at the church and travel to Mt. Vernon High School together! Click below to fill out a form that acts as your free ticket into the event.

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Move-Up Sunday

Move-Up Sunday

Move-Up Sunday is when our kids and students will move up to their new grades. This year, we’ll also be making some exciting changes to our NextGen Sunday programing. You can learn more here!

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CIY Move
to Jun 21

CIY Move

CIY Move is a week-long summer discipleship experience where high school students will encounter Jesus in new ways, connect with one another, and be encouraged to take their next step of faith! All of this takes place while staying on a beautiful college campus located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.

When: June 16-21

Where: Johnson University in Knoxville, TN

Who: Incoming Freshmen - Graduated Seniors

Cost: $475 ($100 deposit due at signup)

*Unfortunately, all of our available MOVE spots are taken. Please join the waitlist below, and our staff will be in touch as they work to secure you a spot from CIY.

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to Jul 11


At MIX, students will experience high-energy worship, age-intentional Bible teaching, community with friends and adult leaders, and a practical call to Kingdom Work, all centered around the fun and chaos that is middle school ministry.

When: July 7-11

Where: Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN

Who: Incoming 7th-8th graders

Cost: $475 ($100 deposit due at signup) Deadline is May 1

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A New Way

A New Way

Featuring original music by Jason Wolfgang, “A New Way” is a musical paraphrase of seven Old Testament books. Through music, we’ll explore the themes of these prophetic books and discover how they point us to Jesus.

Students, meet in the Commons at 5:15 p.m. if you’d like to sit together!

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Middle School Retreat
to Feb 9

Middle School Retreat

Our Middle School Winter Retreat is happening on February 7-9! During this weekend we'll be learning about what it looks like to be a good friend, learn and discuss in small groups, and have fun playing laser tag and mini golf at Combat Ops. This year, we'll be staying at the church both Friday and Saturday Night.

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Christmas Party

Christmas Party

‘Tis the season! Invite a friend to our yearly White Elephant Christmas Party. Bring a funny/School appropriate gag gift and trade around for what you think is the best. Don’t worry about breaking the bank. You can even find something at home and wrap it in an old math test!

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Thanksgiving Potluck Party

Thanksgiving Potluck Party

Who doesn’t love a good potluck? Bring something to share during our Thanksgiving potluck party. Just like Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving, any food is welcome! Chicken nuggets, popcorn, gummy worms, etc. Anything you’d like to bring will be a great addition!

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High School Fall Retreat
to Nov 10

High School Fall Retreat

“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Have these words of Jesus ever confused you, or even intimidated you? While these words from the Great Commission are for all believers, talking to other people about Jesus isn’t always as easy or as natural as we would like it to be. How do we spread the gospel in Indiana in 2024?

This year, our Fall Retreat is called “Spread the Word!” During this weekend, we'll be spending time learning why we should spread the gospel, how our lives are an example of Christ, how to have good conversations, and what happens next.

Registration is now closed. Please pray for our students and leaders this weekend! 

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Fall Bonfire

Fall Bonfire

This annual bonfire is a great touchstone for students to invite their friends to something special! From 5-8 p.m. we’ll be having a large bonfire, playing different games, eating food together, and hearing testimonies from two students. This year’s bonfire will take place at Outlook. See you there!

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Costume Party

Costume Party

During our regular group time, we’ll be hosting a costume party here for students. Come prepared with a costume to compete in our costume contest! 

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Nerf War

Nerf War

  • Who - Middle School and High School Students

  • What - This middle and high school night will be an epic night of two hours of Nerf Wars throughout the church! We’ll be playing Squads the whole time, so be sure to invite some friends to be a part of your squad. If you have Nerf blasters and darts at home, be sure to bring them! If you don’t have any, we have plenty here for you to use. If you’ve been looking for a chance to invite a friend to youth group who doesn’t know Jesus, this is a great first step! See you there!

  • When - Aug. 11 from 6-8 p.m.

  • Where - At Outlook Christian Church

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Camp Allendale
to Jul 12

Camp Allendale

Make incredible memories with us at Camp Allendale this summer!

Grade 2: July 5-6, $78
This is a new one-night opportunity for kids and guardians to explore and fall in love with camp!
Register for “July 5-6 Program Director Wilkins”

Grades 3-4: $368 ($418 after March 20)
Register for “July 7-12 Program Director Christman”

Grades 5-6: $368 ($418 after March 20)
Register for “July 7-12 Program Director Wilkins/Garver”

Grades 7-8: $390 ($440 after March 20)
Register for “July 7-12 Program Director Wilkins/Garver”

If you are interested in attending camp as a counselor, contact Amy Christman for details.

    • Remember to register your child for the grade they will enter in fall ‘24.

    • Before you begin, have medical insurance information available.

    • If you register before March 20, you will qualify for a partner church discount of $50. ($10 for the 2nd grade overnight). To claim this discount, you will need to select the 'partner church discount' during your registration. It is a 'session option' in the same section as an extra missions card. You must select 'Outlook'  as your church in the household account information in order for the discount to be applied.

    • Scholarships and multi-child discounts are available! Click on the “questions” button below to ask for more info.

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to Mar 2


  • Who: 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade

  • Date: March 1-2

    • drop off on Friday at 5 p.m. at Outlook

    • pick up on Saturday at 4 p.m. at Outlook

  • Cost: $75 ($85 after Feb. 12)

    • includes t-shirt

  • Location: Our group will travel together to Traders Point Christian Church for SuperStart! and then return to spend the night at Outlook before heading backing to SuperStart! on Saturday.

  • Interested in attending as an adult leader? Contact Blake.

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No Sunday Evening Programming
to Dec 31

No Sunday Evening Programming

With these two Sundays being Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, we want to allow students to celebrate these two holidays with family and friends as they wish! We look forward to seeing them on January 7th to begin the Spring Semester. 

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Game Night

Game Night

Our Game Night will be another great opportunity for students to invite their friends to a night full of board games, card games, and fellowship. See you there!

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High School Get Together

High School Get Together

This low-key High School campfire will be happening at the Jacksons’ from 5-9 p.m. This is a great opportunity for students to invite their friends to hang out and make them feel welcome in our youth group! Main dishes will be provided, but students should bring a side dish, dessert, or drink for the evening. 

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High School Serve Night

High School Serve Night

From 6-8 p.m., we will be continuing our series called “A Heart of Service”. Drop off and pick up of students will be the same as usual. However, during this evening, High School students will have the chance to experience a hands on service opportunity at Lambswear. Middle School students will still be meeting at the church as usual, and will be studying John 13:1-17 together!

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Middle School Serve Night

Middle School Serve Night

From 6-8 p.m., we will be continuing our series called “A Heart of Service”. Drop off and pick up of students will be the same as usual. However, during this evening, Middle School students will have the chance to experience a hands on service opportunity at Lambswear. High School students will still be meeting at the church as usual, and will be studying John 13:1-17 together!

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Small Group Kickoff

Small Group Kickoff

  • Who - Middle School and High School Students

  • What - Our Small Group Kickoff is intended to be a space where students sign up for, and commit to a small group for the year. Relationships are essential to what we do here at Outlook, and we believe life happens in groups. If you’re a middle or high school student, you won’t want to miss this! 

  • When - Aug. 20 from 6-8 p.m.

  • Where - At Outlook Christian Church

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Junior High Cookout

Junior High Cookout

  • Who - Middle School Students

  • What - This middle school only cookout is designed for our students to enjoy fellowship and build relationships with one another. We’ll be eating some delicious food, playing yard games, and getting to know each other. You won’t want to miss it!

  • When - Aug. 19 from 4-7 p.m.

  • Where - At the Christians’ household. Email or text Blake for the address!

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Registration scholarships are available. Fill out the form below to learn more.