We work with local schools to identify families in need, and provide these families with everything they need for a full Thanksgiving meal. We will then distribute the meals to the schools to be handed out to families before Thanksgiving break. Don’t have time to shop? We are also accepting monetary donations to offset the cost of the turkeys and pies. 

For those who have participated in the past, we are doing things a little different this year. Each bag still represents a family, so it is still important that if you take a name, you fill the bag, mark it with your number, and return it to Outlook Christian Church before or on Nov 17. There will be a collection bin between the front doors, and you can drop it off any time/day. However, this year, all the bags will contain the same items. There will be an envelope with your bag to help you check off the items as you collect them.

Please include the following in your Thanksgiving bag (due Nov 17th):

  • 1 box mashed potatoes (16oz)

  • 2 boxes stuffing (6oz)

  • 2 jars gravy (12oz)

  • 2 cans corn (14.5oz)

  • 2 cans green beans (14.5oz)

  • 1 can cranberries (14oz)

  • $30 cash or check (made out to "Outlook Christian Church" with "Thanksgiving Bags" on the memo line) to cover turkey, pie, and rolls

*Please do not include any expired items in your donation.*

Thanks for helping the children in our community have a great Thanksgiving!