Our Reel Christmas Stories
Dec. 5-26, 2021
Christmastime is full of fun, moving, and profound stories — and some of the most memorable are told in movies. These stories we tell say a lot about us as humans: our highest dreams, our deepest needs. In this series we see that all these stories point to the greatest and truest Christmas story of all — the arrival of the One the whole world is looking for.
Open Hands, Big Hearts
Nov. 7-28, 2021
Everything we have — our wealth, our time, our possessions, our talents, our attention — is a gift from God. Each of us is called to be good, generous stewards of all we’re given, using these things to do good and spread love. In this series, we answer that call and look for ways to make the most of all we have.
Our Outlook
Oct. 3-31, 2021
Since 1866, our purpose remains unchanged: to live and learn together as devoted disciples of Jesus. Inspired by this clear purpose, we see a bright future for our church family. In this series, we’re enthusiastically reinforcing just how much we love Jesus and each other, just how fun it is to follow Jesus, and how committed we are to His cause.
Live Free
Sept. 5-26, 2021
This recurring series explores the interception between our mental and emotional health and wellbeing and our spiritual life and discipleship to Jesus. We’re discovering there’s lots of truth these have in common and we’re applying these truths from a biblical, holistic perspective.
All Together Now
Aug. 1-29, 2021
We were never meant to do life alone. God calls us to live in loving community with each other. He knows it's the only way we truly grow in faith and change the world! So in this series we look at just how essential our church family is to our health and flourishing.
Ready, Set, ROMANS
June 6-July 25, 2021
Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome has long proven to be a power-packed explanation of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re going to spend our summer soaking in this truth and enjoying the brightness and warmth of this good news.
“My peace I give you…”
May 30, 2021
Because Jesus
April 4-May 23, 2021
No one in human history has made as deep an impact as Jesus Christ. Who is He and why does He matter so much? And what does He have to do with our day-to-day lives? We’ll explore the answers to these questions in this series and discover that knowing who Jesus is can be the first real step to understanding ourselves and everything else.
The Mission Has A Church
March 7-28, 2021
The greatest cause, the most compelling endeavor, the broadest, deepest, most sweeping enterprise any human can aspire to engage in is joining God in the work He’s doing on this earth. He’s on a mission of love, healing, justice, grace, and truth, and wants to work through us to accomplish it. It’s not so much that the Church has a mission, but that God’s mission has a Church!
8 Great Words
Feb. 7-28, 2021
If we want to enjoy a fulfilling and faithful life, there are some things we just have to get good at saying. For our own wellbeing, for the health of our relationships and families and marriages, for the sake of our futures… let’s become fluent in these eight great words.
One Thing
Jan. 3-31, 2021
Setting healthy priorities is so essential, and now’s a great time to do exactly that! Life can seem complicated, but it really comes down to one thing. In this series, we will be reminded of what’s most important and explore practical ways we can put Jesus and His Kingdom first in our lives.