Have Yourself a Messy Little Christmas
Dec. 6-27, 2020
On the greeting cards and in the TV specials, it all looks so perfect. But for most of us — especially this year — the holidays are far from picture perfect. In this series, we’ll be reminded that Jesus was born in a mess to show us He is not afraid of our mess, that God uses ordinary, messed up people, and that because Jesus is the Messiah, we don’t have to stay all messed up in our mess. :) That’s the real message of Christmas.
First Fire
Sept. 6-Nov. 29, 2020
The Church is a long-standing family with a global cause, but in these modern times it can be easy to lose our identity and our focus. As we spend time in the biblical book of Acts, these Christians of the First Century can teach us a lot about how to be Christians in the Twenty-First Century. We’ll be reminded of our God-given purpose and rekindled in our passion for Jesus.
July 19-Aug. 30, 2020
This ancient letter to a congregation of early Jesus-followers has a lot to say to us today. Like these First-Century Thessalonian Christians, we live in challenging times. We need encouragement to keep the faith, maintain our integrity, and not lose hope. Together we can and we will.
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
May 31-July 12, 2020
We long to connect with God, but we sometimes struggle to pray. We also long to do right and bring justice to this often wrong and unjust world. In this series, we’ll see how the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray also guides us in how to live amidst the hate, racism, ignorance, and injustice of our day.
Risen and Rising
April 12-May 24, 2020
There’s no power like resurrection power. When Jesus walked out of His own tomb, He unleashed a level of divine potential for His followers to fulfill. In Him and His power, we move from undergoing whatever life hands us to overcoming life’s trials, losses, and wounds. In this series we will examine with enthusiasm what this overcoming life looks like and how we all can live it to the maximum.
We Believe. God Can.
March 15-April 5, 2020
What if faith isn’t so much a blind leap as it is a steady climb? And what if the measure of our faith isn’t how much we have, but how we use what we have? In this series, we’ll explore what it means to have faith, what faith is for, and all that even a little faith can do. (Hint: It’s a lot!)
Share Your Story
Feb. 23-March 8, 2020
Everyone loves a good story. And God tells the best ones…ones of courage and comeback, of love and redemption, of tragedy and triumph. What story has your life told so far? What might the next chapters reveal? How can you share your story with others? You can be sure of this: Your life can be a story God tells to the world.
In Real Life
Jan. 5-Feb. 16, 2020
Real life is hard. It definitely isn’t everything it’s marketed, promised, or televised to be. And maybe it’s not what you expected it to be. That’s okay. God is with us in our very real, day-to-day lives and has lots to teach us about living them with joy and purpose and love.