Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
Dec. 31, 2023
The Christmas Family Tree
Dec. 3-24, 2023
It’s Christmastime, when we reflect on the deepest wonders of our faith, including the incarnation — God arriving and living in flesh and blood, and yes, taking on our humanity even as a newborn baby. This means Jesus entered earth and time as we all did. He had a family and a family tree. And in looking at that family tree, it’s hard to believe that God would use the people he used, that He would include the people He included. But he did, and does.
The Great Life
Oct. 8-Nov. 26, 2023
Everyone wants to live “the good life,” but what is that really? Jesus says it's far more than just accumulating a lot of stuff. We are truly rich when we become generous, happily sharing our wealth with others and investing in God's great work in the world. This is where we find true satisfaction and fulfillment.
Sept. 3-Oct. 1, 2023
It's one of Jesus' most famous stories, the parable of the lost or prodigal son. In this series, we listen to Jesus tell the story once again and realize it's our story too. Each of us leaves the place we most need to be, and each of us is looking for a way home.
Live Free
Aug. 6-27, 2023
A significant aspect of life in God is life with others — loving them, forgiving them, communicating and resolving conflict with them. And no small part of our mental and emotion health flows from how well we foster healthy, flourishing relationships. In this series, we're bring the good wisdom of the Scriptures to bear on this essential component of life that affects us all.
All Request Summer
June 4-July 30, 2023
This summer we’re taking your requests for sermon topics! Click the button below to let us know what you would like to learn more about this summer.
The Courage To Do What’s Next
May 28, 2023
True or False
April 16-May 21, 2023
The mixed messages and unhelpful ideas about God we’ve picked up along the way are holding us back and robbing us of the real and rich life God intends for us. In this series, we're diving into what the Scripture says is true about God and dispelling the myths and mistruths we might be carrying.
April 9, 2023
When Jesus Prays
March 5-April 2, 2023
As we prepare to celebrate the Resurrection, let's spend some time reflecting on the prayers Jesus prayed and learning what they teach us about prayer, about Jesus, and about ourselves.
Live Free
Feb. 5-26, 2023
This recurring series explores the intersection between our mental and emotional health and wellbeing and our spiritual life and discipleship to Jesus. We’re discovering there’s lots of truth these have in common and we’re applying these truths from a biblical, holistic perspective.
In these four weeks, we're exploring the best practices and approaches for fostering solid, steady mental and emotional health. The truth of the Scriptures uncovers the ideas and habits that are keeping us unhealthy and embraces the patterns and perspectives that have proven to be life-giving.
Our Outlook
Jan. 8-29, 2023
Since 1866, our purpose remains unchanged: to live and learn together as devoted disciples of Jesus. Inspired by this clear purpose, we see a bright future for our church family. In this series we’re enthusiastically reinforcing just how pivotal our worship, our service, our generosity, and our hospitality really are to the mission God has given us.
Looking back to look forward
Jan. 1, 2023